What is this Sakwala?

Sakwala What is this mean? Another world? Or a galaxy? No, not this anything. But according to science, I could not find a name to introduce Sakvala. So let's see what this Sakvala means according to Buddhism. According to Buddhism, there are 31 worlds in a sacvalak. These 31 worlds are 4 hells, a human world, 6 heavens, 16 form Brahma worlds and 4 formless Brahma worlds. I have explained a lot about these worlds of Brahma in an earlier blog, so today I have to tell only about these hells and heavens. You know about the human world. So it is mentioned in Buddhism that there are 6 heavens in one sakwala. These worlds of gods are arranged in order according to their power. The heaven with the least power is at the bottom and the heaven with the most power is at the top. The previously mentioned Brahma worlds are located even further away. So let's see the order of the world positions in this Sakwala from bottom to top. •First of all h...